Upcoming LoKALtions

No currently scheduled Kal sightings, but you can check out where I’ve been lately below

Gallery Openings (and similar):

Flora and Fauna, June 2nd-July 15th

Monique Rancourt Jewelry and Artisan Gallery

289 Moody St

Waltham, Ma 02453


Creative Unblocking: A mix of art making with personal and group reflection (meditation, journaling, group discussion) each session, led by artist Kal Anderson. No 'art skills' required, this is a great workshop for all levels of experience.

Creative Unblocking Workshop Series Mondays May 29th, June 5h, and June 12th, 6-7pm

Zone 3
267 Western Ave, Allston

Tickets FREE and required for entry


Art Fairs:

Art Pop Up Brookline

May 20th, 11am-5pm, Brookline Art PopUp, 345 Harvard St, Brookline

Jameson & Thompson Art Party Market

June 24th, 2-5 PM, Jameson & Thompson Art Party Market, 18 Bartlett Sq. Jamaica Plain

Past Events

May 13th, 7-9pm, Dancing with Gravity and Time Performance and Release Party, 495 Artisan Way Somerville (tickets required)